Ian Moore has posted photographs of Corstorphine Hill birds and other interesting sightings Here.
The website for the Leanardo Hotel, on Clermiston Road.
The (Edinburgh Zoo) website.
https://www.corstorphinetrust.co.uk/ (Corstorphine Trust): The Corstorphine Trust is a local community association, based at The Corstorphine Heritage Centre (The Dower House) in St Margaret's Park, Corstorphine.
GeoConservation Groups affiliated with the https://www.edinburghgeolsoc.org/home/geoconservation/ (Edinburgh Geological Society) website.
http://www.corstorphinehill.org.uk/pdfs/SoE_Trees_and_woodland.pdf (Edinburgh Tree Warden Network): if you have a question, comment or suggestion about trees, e.g. concerns about damaged or diseased trees (especially if there is a possible risk to public safety); or damage being caused to trees.
Edinburgh & Lothians Badger Group: if you want an answer to a question about badgers; or wish to report badger related information (e.g. dead or injured badgers or sightings of badgers). The Edinburgh and Lothians Badger Group, now part of https://www.scottishbadgers.org.uk/index.asp
https://www.esoc.org.uk/ (Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club): if you would like more information about orienteering on Corstorphine Hill.
Websites of some of the other 'Friends' groups, looking after parks and green spaces in Edinburgh, can be found at the following links:-