Volunteer at the Garden
New, experienced volunteers are always needed to help with the practical work to keep this great garden thriving. Due to the limited time our volunteers have, we are unfortunately unable to supervise those with limited garden experience, however if you are interested and have a good level of competence, we would welcome you to join us! Garden volunteers are usually in action on Tuesday mornings (10am - 12noon) and Thursday afternoons (2pm - 4pm) throughout the year (weather permitting!)
Garden Location
The location of the Walled Garden can be seen here.

Beechgrove Garden
The restoration of the Walled Garden was featured on the BBC TV Beechgrove Garden programme on 20 September 2001, and revisited by the Beechgrove team on 29 June 2004. This input made a big contribution to getting the present garden started. The few pictures below show the huge transformation that the Garden underwent, and the ongoing commitment of our volunteers in maintaining the space for all to enjoy.

The Wall
As part of the ambitious plan to restore the Walled Garden, the stone walls were also repaired and rebuilt in an attempt to return them to their former state. The east wall, together with the adjacent small storage hut, was restored in 2004. The difference between the remnants of the older wall and the more recent addition are clearly shown by the contrast between the dark and light portions. At present, the rocks in the wall present a variety of features that tell us much about their origin and a little about the plants and animals that inhabited this part of the world about 350 million years ago. Read more in The Story Behind the 'Wall', by Grant M Young - a geological photo guide to the rocks incorporated into the rebuilt wall.

The Walled Garden
The Friends of Corstorphine Hill have been particularly active in the restoration of the "lost" Walled Garden on Corstorphine Hill. You can see the recently revised Management Plan for the Walled Garden here.
The Walled Garden is looked after entirely by volunteers. It is vital that the local community, and in particular the Friends, take an ownership and a pride in the Garden. It is really amazing the amount of work that has been done, but the Garden will continue to develop over the years, and continued interest and input from the community is essential.